Tuesday 18 August 2009

Fascism and Anti-Fascism

The entire world has moved a little towards the right, in the Middle East with women's rights, in the US with the various Christian movements "healing" homosexuals or promoting abstinance over condoms. In the recent European Union Parilament election, a number of far-right groups were voted in, including the British National Party, the BNP.

On paper, the BNP opposes immigration, yet is known throughout the UK as being racist. While the BNP rejects the term racist, it has not stopped people from applying the word to them.

Britain seems to think that they have Freedom of Speech. Ask any everyday Briton if they have freedom of speech, and they'll say yes. On bulliten boards and newspaper editorial pages expect to see it brandied about like a bronze star in a room full of vets. What with state-run BBC and the proliferation of "red-top" tabloid "newspapers", this can be debated in the first. The BNP, however, brings out an entirely different side.

The BNP recently had a national conference in Derbyshire (the middle of England, symbolic as Kansas is). This made people mad. And when people get mad, apparently they protest.

"We will not be intimidated" says Red White and Blue Organisers (Belper News)

Arrests as BNP Protesters Gather (Press Association)

Handful of protesters arrested at 1,500-strong rally against annual Red, White and Blue gathering in Derbyshire village (Guardian)

Protesters arrested at BNP rally: A total of 19 people have been arrested after around 1,500 anti-fascist demonstrators joined a protest march near the site of a BNP festival. (Telegraph)

They've even stopped an American from entering the UK to join in the "festivities". They called him "extremist" and "white supremcist".

An extreme group is voted into office, and then holds a national conference exercising their "freedom of speech" which attracts a large number of violent people protesting against fascism, defined as "A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship". Sounds like the General Characteristics of Fascism seem to apply to many people.

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