Friday 9 April 2010

AV Club on Buckfast

Awesome. I am well "chuffed" as they say. Perhaps that isn't quite right. But at any rate, I am so entertained? pleased? glad? amused? that the Onion's AV Club is doing a Taste Test on Buckfast Tonic Wine.

Full props to them, they mention the political issues, the ASBO issues, the class war issues, but really, it's all about the booze:

Put it this way: Usually we would feel a little trashy drinking wine out paper cups instead of proper glassware, but in this case, even pouring it into a sipping vessel, no matter how humble, seemed like overkill. Buckfast is clearly meant to be guzzled straight out of the bottle, preferably inside a paper bag so as not to offend with its ugly label and sludgy looks.

Overall reaction: pretty poor.

But then, you have to realise that the AV Club is for hipsters. Hipsters don't drink Buckie. They drink fine wines, cocktails, microbrew ales. Labels that are quirky and small, not mass-produced. When they do consume mass-produced products (of any kind) they do so with irony, a sort of condescension towards the plebs that says "look, I too appreciate crap, but I do so with full knowledge that it is crap, so I'm sort of like you, only better."

Far better would be to have Neds have a wine, cocktail or microbrew tasting.

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